We all know by now about the privacy issues going on with Google*. And there are those that are adamant about privacy, with due respect, and there are those who understand that at times it can be useful to be hand-delivered automated information that pertains to what they want.
I tend to not mind some of those privacy issues when I am delivered pertinent content as a result of my endeavors. But then, I do expect the content to be spot on.

* That’s a backlink to Google UK, but I put a no-follow on it. The irony is killing me!
When I do research for a project at the web agency WS Interactive, I tend to use Google services (among other tools) and search for issues related to that project. It could be relative to key themes, such as:
- accounting
- biotech
- training programs
- real estate
- etc
So, it is very disappointing when I am fed personalised content based on my professional searches to attract my personal interests. I expected by now that Google could tell the difference. Alas, there is still so much more to be done to really know me. Sad.